Demonstrating ROI with account-based marketing: a bridge between PR, marketing and sales

It’s crucial to align public relations (PR), marketing and sales efforts for businesses looking to grow in a sustainable way. One of the most effective strategies for bridging these functions is account-based marketing (ABM).

ABM identifies, targets and engages specific high-value prospects with personalised content and tailored B2B campaigns, designed to build deep (or deeper) relationships with decision-makers.

This approach is particularly powerful for progressive organisations that do more than simply sell products or services. Why? Because purpose-driven businesses that are doing their bit for people and planet stand a better chance of expanding their network with a more direct approach that allows them to have the conversations and drive the debates that matter. People buy from people, after all.

Why does account-based marketing work?

ABM’s success lies in its highly personalised approach, which allows businesses to tailor messaging to the unique needs of each target. This personalisation increases engagement and strengthens relationships with key stakeholders. Companies can create more meaningful connections and drive better results by focusing on a smaller number of high-value accounts.

Examples of successful account-based marketing

Facilities management

A leading UK facilities management firm recently implemented an ABM campaign to engage with high-profile corporate clients in the finance sector. The campaign, supported by Magenta, involved creating personalised content that addressed the pain points of the corporate real estate and estate management representatives from target finance firms, including sector-focused guides and tailored email campaigns.

By aligning its sales, PR and marketing efforts, the service provider was able to cut through the noise and capture the attention of influential influencers and budget holders in finance. The result? A larger footprint in the finance sector and improved client retention.

Social enterprise

A social enterprise we work with recognised it needed to partner with its competitors and industry associations to better promote mental health in the security sector. Magenta worked with our client to develop an integrated comms programme that included quarterly workshops with the sales, marketing, internal communications, HR and ESG teams to define messaging, identify targets and set the campaign’s scope and timing. The mental health campaign featured live-streamed events and published discussions with mental health ambassadors, designed to build momentum, all while positioning our client as a leader in security with social value.


In the energy sector, an emergency power solution expert turned to ABM to support its own content generation efforts. Magenta interviewed directors from energy management service providers and energy managers from end user organisations on our clients’ behalf; we integrated the insights into the content we produced. This content was shared far and wide – further and wider than it would have been if it did not feature so many influential voices.

LGIM and The Centre for Progressive Change

Another example is our work is with Legal & General Investment Management and not-for-profit organisation The Centre for Progressive Change on its Safe Sick Pay symposium and VIP breakfast for senior leaders, dignitaries and MPs. Magenta managed the communications strategy for this co-marketing initiative, promoting the event across industry-specific platforms, key association websites, and social media channels. The ABM approach ensured that the messaging was tailored to resonate with the audience, resulting in high attendance and valuable partnerships formed during the symposium, and more organisations signing up to the campaign.

Creating content and experiences that convert in account-based marketing

We understand that the success of an ABM campaign hinges on the seamless integration of PR, marketing and sales efforts. We work closely with sales and marketing teams, often leading the charge in uniting these functions through quarterly or biannual workshops. Our experience in producing personalised content ensures that our clients’ messaging hits the white space that nobody else is talking about and, more importantly, resonates with their target audiences. From custom landing pages and bespoke social media assets to email campaigns and targeted ads, we create content designed to lure in and engage prospective customers.

In addition to traditional tactics, we’ve hosted exclusive webinars, roundtables and in-person events; we’ve curated podcasts and live video streams; we’ve run focus groups and workshops with different groups – all these efforts are designed to further increase engagement with target audiences. These events and narratives aren’t carbon copies of each other, either. They’re specifically designed to resonate with a particular demographic.

One of the most effective tactics in our ABM campaigns is the development of bespoke content featuring commentary from target groups. This not only provides valuable insights but also gives our clients a compelling reason to engage with prospective customers. Moreover, when this content is published, the individuals involved are more likely to share it within their networks, extending its reach and impact.

Kickstart your account-based marketing

ABM is more than just a marketing strategy – it’s the ultimate bridge between PR, marketing and sales.

At Magenta, we have the expertise and experience to execute ABM campaigns that drive real results, helping you build stronger relationships, achieve your business goals and better demonstrate ROI.

If you’d like to discuss how we can support your business, email me on or contact the Magenta team.

Jo Sutherland