Magenta has donated £500 to Brighton charity the Clock Tower Sanctuary, which provides information, advice and support to young people who are homeless or insecurely housed in the area.
We raised the money with the help of our client, Banyards Solutions e-permits. In February 2015 Banyards commissioned us to undertake a market perception audit among client-side users and non-users of the e-permits system. As an incentive to participate and as a thank you, Magenta donated £10 for every interview to the sanctuary.
Magenta has been supporting the sanctuary, which is a short walk from our main office in Brighton, for many years. We do our best to regularly fundraise and donate a percentage of our profits.
Cathy Hayward, managing director of Magenta, said: “I am delighted that we have been able to further support this fantastic charity and help young people to get a roof over their heads. Thanks to our client Banyard Solutions, we have been able to donate £500 to this very worthy cause.”
Natalia Borg, fundraising assistant at the Clock Tower Sanctuary, said: “Thank you so much for the very generous donation of £500. Magenta Associates have been a long-term supporter of our work and we are delighted everyone has continued to fundraise for us.”
The Magenta team has been invited to visit the Clock Tower Sanctuary centre for a tour, to see how the money raised has made a real difference. The visit is scheduled to happen in August.