Why academics need PR: how promoting research can boost university reputation, funding and student recruitment

Academics are renowned for producing world-class, cutting-edge research. From groundbreaking discoveries to thought-provoking theories, their contributions often shape industries, influence policy, and impact society in profound ways.

However, once this research is published in academic journals or written up as a PhD thesis, it tends to remain hidden within niche academic circles. The wider public rarely hears about the game-changing research happening across the country. That gap between academia and society can and does hamper progress.

This is a common challenge in the education sector. Researchers excel at conducting rigorous studies but struggle to effectively promote their findings beyond their academic circles. At a time when universities face mounting financial pressures, increased competition, and the need to attract high-quality students, this is a missed opportunity.

Why promoting research isn’t a priority for academics

So, why do academics often struggle to promote their work? The primary focus for most academics is on publishing in reputable journals, securing grants, and advancing knowledge in their field. These crucial activities are typically targeted at a small, specialised audience. Unfortunately, this leaves little room for broader engagement.

Translating complex research into engaging, accessible stories requires a different skill set than conducting the research itself. Many academics haven’t been trained in media relations, external communication, or digital marketing—essential tools for getting their research in front of a wider audience.

Between teaching, administrative duties, and ongoing research, academics rarely have the time to promote their work. Their research risks remaining confined to academic silos without dedicated support.

Here’s my take on why universities should prioritise research promotion and how it can directly benefit both the researcher and the institution they represent.

The business case for amplifying research

A PR and communications consultancy can bridge the gap between academia and the public by crafting targeted communication strategies and leveraging media connections.

Here’s how:

Reaching new audiences

Communications specialists for progressive organisations know how to tell stories that resonate with different audiences. Whether it’s simplifying technical findings for the public, highlighting societal impact for policymakers, or positioning research in industry-specific media, a strategic approach can amplify reach far beyond academic journals.

Enhancing researcher and university reputation

Successfully promoting research can position academics as thought leaders and enhance the reputation of their university. Consistent media presence, speaking engagements, and digital visibility can raise the profile of both the researcher and their institution. This opens doors for the researcher and strengthens the university’s brand in an increasingly competitive environment.

Supporting funding and collaboration

As research impact becomes more critical to securing grants and funding, demonstrating public engagement is key. A well-executed PR campaign can showcase the broader impact of research, attracting potential funders, collaborators, and industry partners. This kind of visibility is especially valuable in a landscape where universities are under pressure to diversify revenue streams.

Attracting prospective students

Students today are more selective than ever. They want to be part of institutions that lead in innovation, contribute to global challenges, and have visible, real-world impact. Promoting groundbreaking research helps position a university as a thought leader, making it more attractive to high-calibre students who are seeking more than just a degree—they want to be part of a university that’s making a difference.

Why this matters now more than ever

UK universities are facing increased financial pressure, whether from changes in government funding, Brexit, or the rising cost of operations. At the same time, competition for students is intensifying, with institutions striving to differentiate themselves nationally and globally.

In this context, effective research promotion isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s essential. It directly impacts university rankings, student recruitment, and the ability to attract funding. By partnering with a PR agency that understands the nuances of research-led content, universities can better showcase their strengths, engage with key stakeholders, and build a reputation that stands out in today’s crowded higher education landscape.

Expertise in promoting academic research

We specialise in supporting businesses and institutions that are making a positive impact on society. Read more about our missions and values, and email me on jo@magentaassociates.co if you’d like to discuss how Magenta can promote your academic research.

Jo Sutherland